dfg-cv LaTeX class

Since March 2023, DFG requires applicants to use a special CV template over all funding programs. In the process of preparing the funding proposal for the second funding phase, RTG 2475 developed a dfg-cv LaTeX class that mimics the RTF counterpart (form 53.200) provided by DFG.

The class was assembled by Dominic Deuber in the spring of 2023 and tested by the members of the RTG. The files are povided under CC BY 4.0 license and can be downloaded here:

Contents of README file:

		The dfg-cv package provides a LaTeX version of the DFG's cross-program CV template – mandatory for all funding programs since March 1, 2023.
		The package is based on its RTF counterpart as provided by the DFG: https://www.dfg.de/formulare/53_200_elan/index.jsp
		There are two class options:
		- 'checked', if 'true' ticks the checkbox in the final consent form
		- 'walterbenjamin', if 'true', adds school data to the qualification section
		Furthermore, there are more compact versions of enumerate (compactEnumerate) and itemize (compactItemize) to have a bit more space. :)
		The attached example, 'cv.tex', aims to be self-explanatory.
		Further information on formatting choices and the content can be found here: https://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/principles_dfg_funding/equal_opportunities/applicants_funding_recipients/personal_circumstances/faq_cv/index.html
		The dfg-cv package is subject to the CC BY 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode)
		- DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2475 'Cyberkriminalität und Forensische Informatik' <https://www.cybercrime.fau.de> 6 Sep 2023