
At this year's Digital Forensics Research Conference USA (DFRWS USA) Lisa Marie Dreier, Céline Vanini, Frank Breitinger, Christopher Hargreaves and Felix Freiling received the Best Paper Award for the paper entitled "Beyond Timestamps: Integrating Implicit Timing Information into Digital Forensic Ti...

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At the international workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security IH&MMSec 2024, Lea Uhlenbrock, Davide Cozzolino, Denise Moussa, Luisa Verdoliva, and Christian Riess received the Best Paper Award for their paper “Did You Note My Palette? Unveiling Synthetic Images Through Color Statis...

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Prof. Felix Freiling will pay a visit to the dark sides of the Internet as part of the Nürnberg DIGITAL FESTIVAL 2024. The visit commences on Friday 5.7.2024 at 18 Uhr in the Senatssaal of Kollegienhaus of FAU. To attend, you need to register via the website of NUEDIGITAL.

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This year’s traditional joint meeting of the German RTGs in Computer Science takes place from May 26-29, 2024 at Schloss Dagstuhl. RTG 2475 is represented by Tabea Seum, Lea Uhlenbrock, Lena Voigt and Felix Freiling. The joint meeting brings together members of RTGs from all over Germany to exchange...

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RTG 2475 is opening 4 new positions: Two PhD positions in computer science, one PhD position in law and one postdoc position in law. Application deadline for all positions is April 10, 2024. More details can be found in the official openings in German (PhD positions, postdoc position) and English (P...

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This bootcamp/workshop will be held physically at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, and virtually on Monday, March 18, 2024 and features four invited talks, participant presentations and a hands-on session. Registration is still open. The workshop is part of a workshop series that started in 2019 a...

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From February 28th to March 1st, 2024, the funded PhD researchers visited the University of Groningen to collaborate with associated researcher Dr. Adi Stoykova. The visit included a focused internal workshop, discussions on ongoing research, and strategic planning for future collaborations. Dr. Sto...

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Im Digitalgespräch des Zentrum verantwortungsbewusste Digitalisierung (ZEVEDI) sprechen Gastgeberinnen Marlene Görger und Petra Gehring mit Felix Freiling, was die Allgegenwart digitaler Spuren für die Privatsphäre heißt, wie verantwortungsvolle Digitalisierung im Kleinen wie im Großen Kriminalität ...

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