Joint Meeting of the German RTGs in Computer Science 2021

Initiated in 1996 and run regularly since 2007, researchers of the German Research and Training Groups (RTGs) funded by the Deutsche  Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the field of computer science meet annually at Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics, one of the world’s premier venues for computer science-related seminars. The goal of these workshops is to foster an interchange of ideas and experiences in order to strengthen the connection within the German computer science community.

Exactly 25 years after the first event in this series, in 2021 the event was organized by RTG 2475 (Cybercrime and Forensic Computing). It took place on Monday, May 31, 2021 and Tuesday, June 1, 2021 and was be organized as a shortened online workshop in order to prevent the spread of the Corona virus. It featured invited talks, presentations of the individual RTGs, short networking pitches by funded researchers and networking meetings for PIs and RTG coordinators.

Final Schedule

The meeting takes place within a Zoom meeting room with several breakout rooms for individual discussions. The access details of the Zoom meeting room will be sent to registered participants by email in advance. If you wish to participate, contact the organizers for details.

Monday, May 31, 2021

14:00 Opening (Felix Freiling)

14:10 Insights from DFG-funded PhD Programs, and DFG Funding Opportunities for Early Career Researchers (Dr. Valentina Damerow and Dr. Gerit Sonntag, DFG Head Office)

15:00 Brief Overview Presentations of Participating GRKs (3-4 minutes each)

  • GRK 1907, GRK 2050, GRK 2193, GRK 2236, HPI SSE / HPI DSE, GRK 2428, GRK 2475, GRK 2535

15:45 Coffee Break

16:00 Pitches and Posters (Part 1)

  • Participants pitch their topics for two minutes in a brief plenary session followed by discussions in breakout rooms (one per pitch)
    • Alexander Puzicha (GRK 2193): Control of decentralized systems under uncertainty (poster discussed in breakout room 1)
    • Abhinav Singh  (GRK 1907): Numerical Simulations of Topology-Driven Morphogenesis (poster discussed in breakout room 2)
    • Tarek Skouti (GRK 1907): Integrated business process role modeling (poster discussed in breakout room 3)
    • Wang Yue (HPI): Desis: General Distributed Window Aggregation (poster discussed in breakout room 4)

16:30 Pitches and Posters (Part 2)

  • Participants pitch their topics for two minutes in a brief plenary session followed by discussions in breakout rooms (one per pitch)
    • Fadil Kallat (GRK 2193): Component-based Software Synthesis of Manufacturing Simulation Models (poster discussed in breakout room 1)
    • Merlin Göttlinger (GRK 2475): Informal Conversations in Formal Logic (poster discussed in breakout room 2)
    • Stefanie Mohr (GRK 2428): Abstraction of Neural Networks for Faster Verification (poster discussed in breakout room 3)
    • Alexandru Rinciog (GRK 2193): Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Using AlphaZero (poster discussed in breakout room 4)

17:00 Parallel Meetings funded researchers („I wish, I like“, breakout room 1), coordinators (breakout room 2) and of PIs (breakout room 3),

18:00 End of day 1

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

14:00 Opening (Felix Freiling)

14:10 Interview and discussion with Professor Otto Spaniol on 25 years of Joint RTG Meetings (in German, questions  can be asked in English)

14:45 Coffee Break

15:00 Pitches and Posters (Part 3)

  • Participants pitch their topics for two minutes in a brief plenary session followed by discussions in breakout rooms (one per pitch)
    • Christian Adriano (HPI): Towards Causal Bandits to Explore, Exploit, and Expire Questions for Quickly Understanding Software Faults (poster discussed in breakout room 1)
    • Dominik Meier (GRK 2236): Termination of Probabilistic Programs via Term Rewriting Systems (poster discussed in breakout room 2)
    • Niloofar Jahanshahi (GRK 2428): Formal Synthesis of Controllers for Interconnected Stochastic Control Systems with Partial Information (poster discussed in breakout room 3)
    • Mark Wetzlinger (GRK 2428): Adaptive Reachability Analysis: Near-Optimal Effortless Safety Verification (poster discussed in breakout room 4)

15:30 Pitches and Posters (Part 4)

  • Participants pitch their topics for two minutes in a brief plenary session followed by discussions in breakout rooms (one per pitch)
    • Justin Albert (HPI): Estimation of Subjective Ratings of Perceived Exertion using IMU, ECG and Computer Vision (poster discussed in breakout room 1)
    • Mahathi Anand (GRK 2428): Formal Analysis of Large-Scale Stochastic Systems against Temporal Logic (Hyper)Properties (poster discussed in breakout room 2)
    • Johannes Pietrzyk (GRK 1907): Adaptive Query Processing on Vectorized Hardware (poster discussed in breakout room 3)

16:00 Working Session „Catalyzing interdisciplinary cooperation“ (organized by Felix Freiling)

Questions to be discussed:

  1. What are the specific problems of interdisciplinary cooperation (in your RTG)?
  2. How (with which instruments) are these properties tackled (in your RTG)?
  3. Best practices/success stories?

17:00 Closing Session

17:15 End of day 2


The traditional proceedings with short abstracts of all funded researchers of the participating RTGs are published as citeable electronic publication with DOI  online. The bibliographic reference is as follows:

  • Felix Freiling (ed.): Proc. 2021 Joint Workshop German Research Training Groups in Computer Science. Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, 2021.

Persistent identitiers are:

Participating RTGs with Spokesperson

  • GRK 1907 (RoSi: Rollenbasierte Software-Infrastrukturen für durchgängig-kontextsensitive Systeme), Wolfgang Lehner, Dresden
  • GRK 2050 (Privatheit und Vertrauen für mobile Nutzer), Max Mühlhäuser, Darmstadt
  • GRK 2193 (Anpassungsintelligenz von Fabriken im dynamischen und komplexen Umfeld), Jakob Rehof, Dortmund
  • GRK 2236 (UNRAVEL – UNcertainty and Randomness in Algorithms, VErification, and Logic), Joost-Pieter Katoen, Aachen
  • GRK 2428 (CONVEY – Continuous Verification of CYber-Physical Systems), Helmut Seidl, München
  • GRK 2475 (Cyberkriminalität und Forensische Informatik), Felix Freiling, Erlangen
  • GRK 2535 (Wissens- und datenorientierte Personalisierung von Medizin am Point of Care, WisPerMed), Britta Böckmann, Duisburg-Essen
  • HPI Forschungskolleg SSE (Service-Oriented Systems Engineering), Andreas Polze, Potsdam
  • HPI Forschungskolleg DSE (Data Science and Engineering), Felix Naumann, Potsdam


  • March 31, 2021: Nominate participants and speakers of each participating RTG
  • April 30, 2021: Collect and submit abstracts for proceedings (LaTeX files have been provided)
  • May 31/June 1, 2021: Workshop

Event History

Contact the Organizers

The meeting is organized by Felix Freiling with support from Lena Voigt and Dr. Lena Reinfelder. The organizers can be contacted via email at <>