Joint Meeting of the German RTGs in Computer Science 2022
Initiated in 1996 and run regularly since 2007, researchers of the German Research and Training Groups (RTGs) funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the field of computer science meet annually at Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics, one of the world’s premier venues for computer science-related seminars. The goal of these workshops is to foster an interchange of ideas and experiences in order to strengthen the connection within the German computer science community.
In 2022, the event is jointly organized by RTG 2475 (Cybercrime and Forensic Computing) and RTG 2428 (CONVEY – Continuous Verification of CYber-Physical Systems) . It will take place from June 12-15, 2022 as Dagstuhl Event 22243 in Schloss Dagstuhl. It will feature invited talks, presentations about and from the individual RTGs, and networking meetings for funded researchers, PIs and RTG coordinators.
- Short overview presentations on each invited RTG
- Research presentations by funded researchers
- Invited talk by Professor Martina Seidl, JKU Linz, Austria on „Competitions as Scientific Method“
- Invited talk by Professor Jennifer Byrne, School of Medical Sciences, The University of Sydney, Australia on „An introduction to research paper mills“
- Interaction possibilities with members of the DFG head office
- Inter-RTG networking sessions for funded researchers, PIs and RTG coordinators
Sunday, June 12, 2022
- starting from 15:00: arrival
- ~ 18:00 self-served dinner at dining hall
Monday, June 13, 2022
- 9:00 Welcome by the organizers, and brief round of introduction of all participating RTGs (10 minutes each): GRK 2050 (Ephraim Zimmer), GRK 2236 (Jost-Pieter Katoen), GRK 2424 (Ulf Leser), GRK 2428 (Helmut Seidl), GRK 2475 (Felix Freiling), GRK 2535 (Christin Seifert), HPI DSE (Felix Naumann)
- 10:30 Coffee Break
- 11:00 Presentation Session 1 (20 minutes per presentation including questions, Chair: Felix Freiling)
- Justin Albert: Using Machine Learning to Predict Perceived Exertion During Resistance Training With Wearable Heart Rate and Movement Sensors
Benedikt Lorch: Reliable machine learning tools in image forensics- Philipp Czerner: Space Complexity of Population Protocols
- Alejandro Sierra-Múnera: Adapting latent structures in pre-trained language models to build transferable NLP models
- 12:15 Lunch Break
- 14:00 Presentation Session 2 (20 minutes per presentation including questions, Chair: Michael Schaub)
- Mahathi Anand: Formal Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems via Barrier Certificates
- Sameh Frihat: Context-sensitive, personalized search at the Point of Care
- Maximilian Schäffeler: Verified Solution Methods for Markov Decision Processes
- Anne Radunski: Comparing the state of mind of novice and expert entrepreneurs facing today’s ongoing crisis via emotion analysis
- 15:20 Coffee Break
- 16:00 Poster session
- Tim Seppelt: Homomorphism Tensors and Linear Equations
- Simon Althaus: Empowering Users Through Technical Transparency
- Sameh Frihat: Context–sensitive, personalized search at Point of Care
- Sanina Olga: Privacy in user–based key exchange protocols in mobile devices
- Anne Radunski: Comparing the state of mind of novice and expert entrepreneurs facing today’s ongoing crises via emotion analysis
- Sidratul Moontaha: Self–Prediction of Epileptic Seizures by Affective Computing using EEG Sensors
- Michael Schwarz: Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation for Multi-Threaded Code
- Matthias Gazzari: What do my gadgets know about me?
- Justin Albert: Prediction of Physical Exertion Usion Warable Heart Rate and Movement Sensors
- Jeanette Bewersdorff: Extraction of Argumentation Structures
- Catharina Beckmann: Context Modeling and Mapping of Guidelines and SOPs
- Alejandro Sierra-Múnera: Disentanglement of syntactic structures in pre-trained language models
- 18:00 Dinner
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
- 9:00 Keynote Presentation by Professor Martina Seidl (JKU Linz, Austria): „Competitions as Scientific Method“, Session Chair: Helmut Seidl
- 10:15 Coffee Break
- 10:45 Presentation Session 3 (20 minutes per presentation including discussion, Chair: Jost-Pieter Katoun)
- Chase Ford: Graded Semantics of Probabilistic Systems
- Catharina Beckmann: Context Modeling and Mapping of Guidelines and SOPs
- Sidratul Moontaha: Self-Prediction of Epileptic Seizures by Affective Computing using EEG sensors
- 11:45 Group Picture in front of Chapel
- 12:15 Lunch Break
- 14:00 Presentation Session 4 (20 minutes per presentation including discussion, Chair: Christin Seifert)
Josef Lorenz Rumberger: TBA- Michael Schwarz: Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation for Multi-Threaded Code
- Marta Lemanczyk: Interpretability of motif interactions in genomic convolutional neural networks
- Jeanette Bewersdorff: Extraction of argumentation structures in medical documents
- 15:00 Coffee Break
- 16:00 Funding Opportunities by DFG (Saskia Metzler, Melanie Melching and Margret Heinze, DFG Head Office)
- 17:00 Inter-RTG Networking Meetings (parallel sessions)
- Principle Investigators (Room „Kaiserslautern“)
- RTG Coordinators
- Funded Researchers (Room „Saarbrücken“)
- 18:00 Dinner
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
- 9:00 Keynote Presentation by Professor Jennifer Byrne (School of Medical Sciences, The University of Sydney, Australia): „An introduction to research paper mills“, Session Chair: Felix Freiling
- 10:15 Coffee Break
- 10:45 Working Session: Best Practices for fostering interdisciplinary research (breakout groups, plenary meeting moderated by Felix Freiling)
- 11:45 Closing and farewell
- 12:15 Lunch
- 13:00 End of meeting
The traditional proceedings with short abstracts of all funded researchers of the participating RTGs have been published as follows:
- Felix Freiling, Helmut Seidl (eds.): Proc. 2022 Joint Workshop German Research Training Groups in Computer Science. Erlangen, 2022. DOI: 10.25593/opus4-fau-19321
Participating RTGs with Spokesperson
- GRK 2050: Privatheit und Vertrauen für mobile Nutzende, Max Mühlhäuser (Darmstadt)
- GRK 2236: UNRAVEL – UNcertainty and Randomness in Algorithms, VErification, and Logic, Joost-Pieter Katoen (Aachen)
- GRK 2424: Computermethoden für personalisierte Therapien in der Onkologie, Nils Blüthgen (Berlin)
- GRK 2428: CONVEY – Continuous Verification of CYber-Physical Systems, Helmut Seidl (München)
- GRK 2475: Cyberkriminalität und Forensische Informatik, Felix Freiling (Erlangen)
- GRK 2535: Wissens- und datenorientierte Personalisierung von Medizin am Point of Care (WisPerMed), Britta Böckmann (Duisburg-Essen)
- HPI DSE: Data Science and Engineering (DSE), Felix Naumann (Potsdam)
- March 31, 2022: Registration deadline
- April 30, 2022: Deadline for abstracts for proceedings
- June 12-15, 2022: Event in Dagstuhl
Event History
Contact the Organizers
The meeting is organized by Felix Freiling and Helmut Seidl with support from Dr. Lena Reinfelder. The organizers can be contacted via email at <>